# frozen_string_literal: true class GifReader attr_reader :animated EXTENSION_LABELS = [0xf9, 0x01, 0xff].freeze GIF_HEADERS = %w(GIF87a GIF89a).freeze class GifReaderException < StandardError; end class UnknownImageType < GifReaderException; end class CannotParseImage < GifReaderException; end def self.animated?(path) new(path).animated rescue GifReaderException false end def initialize(path, max_frames = 2) @path = path @nb_frames = 0 File.open(path, 'rb') do |s| raise UnknownImageType unless GIF_HEADERS.include?(s.read(6)) # Skip to "packed byte" s.seek(4, IO::SEEK_CUR) # "Packed byte" gives us the size of the GIF color table packed_byte, = s.read(1).unpack('C') # Skip background color and aspect ratio s.seek(2, IO::SEEK_CUR) if packed_byte & 0x80 != 0 # GIF uses a global color table, skip it s.seek(3 * (1 << ((packed_byte & 0x07) + 1)), IO::SEEK_CUR) end # Now read data while @nb_frames < max_frames separator = s.read(1) case separator when ',' # Image block @nb_frames += 1 # Skip to "packed byte" s.seek(8, IO::SEEK_CUR) packed_byte, = s.read(1).unpack('C') if packed_byte & 0x80 != 0 # Image uses a local color table, skip it s.seek(3 * (1 << ((packed_byte & 0x07) + 1)), IO::SEEK_CUR) end # Skip lzw min code size raise InvalidValue unless s.read(1).unpack('C')[0] >= 2 # Skip image data sub-blocks skip_sub_blocks!(s) when '!' # Extension block skip_extension_block!(s) when ';' # Trailer break else raise CannotParseImage end end end @animated = @nb_frames > 1 end private def skip_extension_block!(file) if EXTENSION_LABELS.include?(file.read(1).unpack('C')[0]) block_size, = file.read(1).unpack('C') file.seek(block_size, IO::SEEK_CUR) end # Read until extension block end marker skip_sub_blocks!(file) end # Skip sub-blocks up until block end marker def skip_sub_blocks!(file) loop do size, = file.read(1).unpack('C') break if size.zero? file.seek(size, IO::SEEK_CUR) end end end module Paperclip # This transcoder is only to be used for the MediaAttachment model # to convert animated GIFs to videos class GifTranscoder < Paperclip::Processor def make return File.open(@file.path) unless needs_convert? final_file = Paperclip::Transcoder.make(file, options, attachment) if options[:style] == :original attachment.instance.file_file_name = "#{File.basename(attachment.instance.file_file_name, '.*')}.mp4" attachment.instance.file_content_type = 'video/mp4' attachment.instance.type = MediaAttachment.types[:gifv] end final_file end private def needs_convert? GifReader.animated?(file.path) end end end